Raising Expectations, Maximizing Results.
Savings left behind are
unnecessary costs.
Learn more about our results-driven service below.
We manage both unemployment claims and costs. Our services also include support for hiring incentive programs and employment and income verifications.
Our signature service though, is our unemployment program. We focus on the cost of losses, and have created a strategy to mitigate that cost. It is our goal to make unemployment costs better managed and better projected.
Our HR Support Results in More Wins
Our pre-termination consultations; assemblage of necessary documentation; submittals directly to SIDES, customized case summaries and witness preparation meetings leads to more wins.
Our Rate Assessment Results in More Savings
Knowing how your current unemployment tax rate compares to your industry and within each state you operate is critical. We provide a free assessment of your current tax rate. If you are not at your lowest rate, we can help you get there. Mitigating this often overlooked expense, is one of the main reasons we began UC Alternative.
Our Customized Reporting Results in More Control
Our quarterly customized reports provide an assessment of our services by showing you how many claims you've won, the reasons for claims lost, and how much you could save at the best tax rate. It also gives you something tangible to reference when reviewing HR policies and budget projections.
A Deeper Look at Our Unique Process:
1. Prior to termination, HR can contact us with specific questions and to review both policies and the necessary documentation. Submitting this information is often enough to win a claim.
2. When responding to claims, we gather detailed information on the separation. We verify the reason for dismissal. Often there are nuances in the criteria that separate each reason for dismissal. Choosing an incorrect reason, can lead to a loss.
3. We submit all responses through SIDES with supporting documentation. We are an award-wining provider with SIDES with a 99% on-time submittal rating. Submitting responses on-time with documentation wins more claims initially, and reduces hearings.
4. Should there be an unemployment hearing, our customized case summaries and witness preparatory meetings lead to more wins. Providing this to HR allows them more time to focus on other tasks.
5. We assess tax rates by industry and within each state in which you operate. Attaining your best rate can equal substantial savings. If you are at even .5% higher than the industry's best rate, it could cost you hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars.
6. Reporting on the cost and reasons for lost claims, and your tax rate comparison, provides you with useful data. It gives you the tools to score our success, and can help you make any adjustments to termination policies. Our reports were developed to help you attain a better projection of costs.
Why Our Approach is Different
We began UC Alternative with the belief that the service is more than just processing claims. There is a better way to manage unemployment costs. Rather than focusing on processing and fees, we focus on better outcomes. See our video below for an example of our methodology.
Since the advent of COVID-19, businesses have faced many challenges. However the processing fees from a historical unemployment rate has been a crushing cost. Our service was designed to budget costs, and maximize your savings. Because we are results-oriented, we do not apply overage fees. Our business model is based on reducing your costs by lowering your tax rate and maximizing your wins - not processing fees.
Examples of Money We've Saved Our Clients.
Unemployment Claims Management
Assessment of Your Company's Tax Rate, By Industry and By State
Pre-Termination Consultations
Unemployment Hearing Preparation
Custom Reports to Project and Budget Unemployment Costs
Industry Best Security to Safeguard Employee Information
Employment and Income Verification Management
Pre-Employment Screening for Hiring Incentive Programs
We do more, to save you more time.
To learn more about our hiring incentives program, please click here. Our new verification service coming September 1, 2020.
To visit the UC Alternative website, please click here.
UC Alternative, Inc.
408 N. Frederick Ave. Ste. 380
Gaithersburg, MD 20879